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Apocalypse Still


This debut collection weaves the grotesque and the beautiful, the extraordinary and the mundane together in these tender tales of community, ancestral gifts, and the lengths we go through to survive.

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A Night at Fontaine's

A Kindle Exclusive

This short follows Bambi, a stripper unlucky in love, and Fontaine, a local drug dealer after their run-in at the grocery store. When Fontaine invites Bambi over for the night,  each wonders if it could lead to something more the next morning.

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All the Ways a Heart Burns


Join eleven talented writers for a compelling journey through the intricate web of young hearts and complicated relationships. This spellbinding anthology of young adult literature, is a fusion of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction that explores the exciting heights of falling in love, the scorching pain of heartbreak, and the forever fight for identity.


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